Tag: Family

  • Unexpected sunshine award !

    Unexpected sunshine award !

    What a wonderful surprise I received yesterday- the Sunshine Award from the very lovely and SUPER talented- Irene Tetaz- thank you and merci! So, Im pass it on with love: Patrice A. Julia da Franca Ariane Reichardt Woolf en Bell Mano’s welt Eye Snacks Stroke of the brush Maar niet van grijs Knuffels al a…

  • Celebrating three years!

    Celebrating three years!

    Last week we celebrated Liam’s birthday. Three years. Pure love and happiness. Love the long mornings we spending together. Playing, building, talking, singing, dancing, creating things together. So much joy. Happy birthday my little one!

  • A beautiful winter day

    A beautiful winter day

        Beautiful winter day. All white and soft. Sun was shining and the sky are amazing in this blue sky. We went to the Museumplein at the end of our street to find that he hates snow and the cold weather- but Loves water…She is loving every moments of white and cold around her.…

  • A few lovely things!

    A few lovely things!

    Beautiful things and wonderful surprises that warmed my heart (top to bottom): – This amazing card was a surprise from the super talented Anne. Thank you! – My beloved daughter just turned 8 and made (completely by herself ) a very exciting “Treasure hunt” game around the house. We were busy for almost an hour looking…

  • Holidays wishes

    Holidays wishes

    My dears, wishing you all a Happy Holidays and Very Merry Christmas… XOX 🙂

  • Surprise from above

    Surprise from above

    Beautiful spring, sunny day was last Sunday. We went out to one of our favorite places: Elswout. While enjoying the nature around us, we heard a loud sound and suddenly a cloud of color was above our heads. I don’t what going on with me and birds lately and parrot in particularly- but there he…

  • Pear shape

    Pear shape

    Well, looking at this should give a good idea how (and with whom…) I’m spending my days…;-)

  • Walking on water – the Amsterdam way

    Walking on water – the Amsterdam way

    Saturday morning skating on the Prinsengracht. Magical, wonderful almost surreal feeling…:-)

  • A living painting yesterday in Amsterdam

    A living painting yesterday in Amsterdam

    Clear, bright, most beautiful day was in Amsterdam yesterday. So much fun and happiness… Take a look at the first picture, isn’t a living painting of Brueghel?

  • The end of the vacation

    The end of the vacation

    After two and a half weeks of winter vacation, today we are back to routine…yap….

  • Snowman, comics and birthdays

    Snowman, comics and birthdays

    This time of a year it’s all about celebrations, but for us it’s a double party. One birthday of my beloved husband and one of my dear daughter are both celebrated with four days difference from each other, so we are talking about some intensive productions here…:-) The birthday of my daughter was all about…

  • Sinterklaas in Amsterdam

    Sinterklaas in Amsterdam

    Clear blue sky and bright sun welcomed Sinterklaas this year for his visit to Amsterdam. Excited and happy children waited for him and for Piet…starting a magical time (for the children), magical and full of shopping (for the parents)…:-)