Tag: tiny life

  • A guerrilla gardening

    A guerrilla gardening

    The pot hole gardener is a project run by Londoner Steve Wheen, who brings greenery and miniature scenes to the streets of east London. Following other Guerrilla Gardeners, Wheen says: ‘my neighborhood has a distinct lack of green space and I’m a gardener with no garden.’ Some matches are just meant to be.   My…

  • Drawing challenge: Garden

    Drawing challenge: Garden

    In my garden all are working to celebrate spring. This week challenge was hosted by the lovely and so talented Renilde.

  • Spring cleaning

    Spring cleaning

    Spring cleaning on my table.

  • In her world

    In her world

    My beloved daughter doll house (rearranged this week with few 50’s doll house furniture that we bought together last weekend…)

  • Drawing challenge: another roadside attraction

    Drawing challenge: another roadside attraction

    Another roadside attraction – this week topic was inspired by the book of Tom Robbins, by the same name. My tiny people are traveling in one of my favorite image-book “ontdek de veliuwe”, full of beautiful landscape pictures of Holland. Exploring roadside, empty places, they are the attraction itself. This week challenge hosted by the…