








Week(s) of happy celebrations. I celebrated my birthday on Monday with lots of love, family, good friends, laughter and sun…:-)
Later on the day we took a long walk at one of our favorite places outside of Amsterdam. There we saw a huge group of Swans floating on the water. Never saw it before. It was a pure magic.
Thank you FRANKIE Magazine for publishing my work on the next day- great timing..;-)


2 responses to “Celebration”

  1. julia da franca Avatar

    my dear hagar,

    happyhappyhappy birthday and congratulations to everything!!
    i was jealous about the blog meeting in amsterdam;)
    just because i would love to meet you;)
    and the best thing, i saw a huge group of swans, floating on the baltic sea, on MONDAY! i am always happy to see that your work is well mentioned!!
    love + big hug, julia

  2. Hagarvar Avatar

    Dear Julia,
    Thank you so much dear!
    Can it be that we saw the same group of swans? may be we did…It was magical…
    and thanks you- wish you were there- it would have made it perfect!

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